All in transit

Discovering Sustainable Transportation Abroad

As an American, living in cities that prioritize cars over pedestrians and cyclists is a normal occurrence. During the early spring of 2020, I was studying abroad in Freiburg, Germany, which was one of the first parts of the country designed to promote walking, biking, and transit systems. It didn’t take me long to notice the major transportation differences between there and America.

I never once used an automobile during my time abroad. There was a direct train to Freiburg that took me to the city center. From the station, I was able to jump on a tram which then brought me to my apartment about 15 minutes outside of the city. This experience made me realize how advanced and convenient a transportation system could be.

New Amtrak Train to Bring Easy NYC Travel to Queen City Residents

This summer, Burlington is set to have a convenient new way to get to New York City. The Ethan Allen Express railway will extend from Rutland, its current northernmost destination, through Middlebury and Vergennes, onto Burlington.

The train is on schedule to roll into Burlington’s Union Station in July 2022. A date can’t be set yet due to unpredictable weather patterns and spring thawing. “We can’t control Mother Nature,” said Dan Delabruere, Bureau Director of Rail and Aviation at the Vermont Agency of Transportation.

It takes 5 ½ hours to get from Rutland to New York City. The train ride from Burlington to New York is likely to take 8 hours, according to Delabruere.