Our Mission
Sustainable Transportation Vermont wants to move the state toward a more sustainable transportation system--one that relies less on private vehicles, and more on walking, biking, and public transportation, in order to reduce the environmental, economic and social impacts of our travel. Our goal is to inform those making transportation and land use decisions--from public officials to citizens--on how they might support investments, programs and policies that favor non-motorized travel, transit, and compact, walkable communities.
Sustainable Transportation Vermont was launched in 2016 by Richard Watts and University of Vermont students Cashel Stewart and Anna Wyner, as an online source for information relating to transportation in Vermont. Under Julie Campoli’s editorship, the site grew into a forum for the people who work every day to make the state's transportation system greener. Our essays covered the challenges and opportunities faced by small cities, towns and rural areas as they attempt to wean themselves from a fossil fuel-based transportation system. In November, 2020, the original STVT blog moved to Vermont Natural Resources Council under a new name: People Places and Transportation. Find it here.
Our Goals
Reduce the social, environmental, and economic impacts of our transportation footprint
Promote a transportation system that can be sustained over generations
Shine a spotlight on current practices that perpetuate automobile dependency
Meet the Vermont's energy goals and greenhouse gas emissions goals by sharply reducing transportation-related energy used by 2020
Thomas Adler, President RSG, White River Junction, Vermont
Mollie S. Burke, Vermont Legislature, Transportation Committee
Karen Glitman, Center for Sustainable Energy
Curt McCormack, Vermont Legislature, Transportation Committee Chair
Melinda Moulton, Re-Developer, Main Street Landing
Debra Sachs, CEO, NetZeroVT.Org
Brian Searles, former Secretary, Vermont Agency of Transportation
Jim Sullivan, Director, Bennington County Regional Planning Commission
* Organizational affiliations listed for identification purposes only.
Richard Watts, Research & Policy
Jack Hanson, Researcher, Contributing Editor
VECAN is the network of over 100 Vermont town energy committees and the organizations that support them. Town energy committees are leading a powerful grassroots response to the pressing need to be more energy efficient and generate more in-state renewable energy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
CATMA jointly plans and manages safe, convenient, and economical parking and transportation in ways that better coordinate land use and reduce environmental impacts.