All tagged Business

A Brand New Face for the Old Spokes Home

Jon Copans, a Brattleboro native, has recently taken over as Executive Director at the Old Spokes Home in the North End. I sat down with him to chat about the new role and his passion for the bicycle.

Jon has always loved biking, and has been drawn to the sport forever. “Bikes are the thread that has run throughout my life,” he said. “[They are] incredibly elegant, simple, and efficient machines.” As he spoke, his eyes lit up with excitement. He continued on, speaking about the ways bikes connect people, and how people-centered, rather than car-centered, infrastructure is an incredibly important objective. “ A community where [people] are a priority is by definition, a more fun, more livable, more dynamic place to be,” he explained.

Main Street Construction Set to Begin Soon. Will Local Businesses Survive?

The Great Streets BTV initiative has been underway for years now. A public vote in March 2015 set the project in motion and the city has produced notable results. The initiative is comprised of 3 interrelated plans, which include implementing street standards for all Downtown Burlington streets, reconstructing City Hall Park, and an overhaul of St. Paul and Main Street.